“Dandro proves his ability to emulate any comic, from Krazy Kat to Popeye to Calvin; his insertions of a young Travis into the panels are especially engaging—and delightfully, conspicuously aspirational… Teens on the cusp of the leaving home for college will find plenty of resonating adventures here.”
“A charming and sincere comic book love letter to Hundred Acre Wood and its inhabitants. Every page is a playfully experimental delight!”
“Travis Dandro has elevated the graphic memoir form. [King of King Court] captures the complexity of the abusive scene — the troubling dissonance that someone can make you laugh and feel loved, and also be a source of terror and pain, a waking manifestation of nightmare.”
“This is a powerful debut, skilfully drawn, cleverly told and as raw as a wasp sting.”
- All
- Hummingbird Heart
- King of King Court
- winnie the pooh